What Type of Headphones to you Need?


Whether you’re walking in your neighbourhood, working from home or working out, you need a pair of headphones that will work for you.  Not all headphones are created equal, and some types are better than others for specific tasks. Here we will go through different types of headphones and explain the benefits and drawbacks of …

Dual Monitors: Double Your Productivity

Dual Monitors

You might have noticed that many gamers use dual monitors – aka two screens – when playing. The reason being it can make multitasking a lot easier. But this setup isn’t just for gamers. Any office worker can benefit from having two screens on their desk. What are Dual Monitors? Dual monitors are two screens …

Product Photo Tips for Small Businesses

photo tips

If hiring a professional photographer isn’t in your budget, use these photo tips to make your small business shine. Take your own photos to save time and money, and you don’t even need to own a fancy camera – you can use your smartphone. Whether you’re setting up an online store or selling items from …

Starting a Podcast: What You Need


Are your friends and loved ones always encouraging you to start a podcast? Do you have interesting ideas and a unique perspective on a specific topic? It’s not as hard as you think. You can make a small investment to make your dreams come true. While it’s up to you to come up with the …

Fraud Prevention Month

Fraud Prevention

March is Fraud Prevention Month, which aims to educate people on online fraud. Protect yourself online and don’t fall for some of the most common scams. The 2021 campaign, from the Competition Bureau, focusses on online shopping. In the past year many of us have been online shopping more than ever. This makes fraud prevention …

Standing Desk – Is it Right For You?

Standing desk

A standing desk is a taller table or work space that allows the user to stand rather than sit to work. This topic has been trending the past few years due to reports of the adverse health affects of sitting all day. While you might be keen to get in on the latest health trend, …

Data Privacy Day – Be respectful, stay safe and establish trust

Data Privacy

January 28, 2021, is Data Privacy Day – an international initiative to spread awareness about respecting privacy, protecting data and reestablishing trust online.  The National CyberSecurity Alliance (NCSA) has set out its education goals for 2021. The theme for individuals is “Own Your Privacy.” TwinBytes stands by these messages, as we are always offering tips …