In a previous blog we wrote about what equipment you will need to start a YouTube channel. In this post, we will talk about the other factors that go into creating your channel – beyond the hardware.
A lot of hard work and creativity goes into running a YouTube channel. If you want to build and audience, you need to be focused on what you want to accomplish.
Here are three things to consider when designing your channel.
3 Things to Do When You Want to Start a YouTube Channel
Decide on a Genre
There are thousands upon thousands of YouTube channels out there, but they all fit into a category or genre. For example, TwinBytes’ channel is a tech channel – offering helpful tutorials on all things tech related. But there are other genres. You could start a vlog, where you just talk to the camera (aka your audience) about your day-to-day life, or maybe you play video games, you could review products, do arts and crafts, garden, or doing a cooking show. The options are seemingly endless. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you’re truly passionate about, because authenticity is key.
Brainstorm Video Ideas
Once you know what your channel is going to be, you can start planning your videos. It’s good to have a few ideas mapped out in advance so you can prepare and shoot them. You might need to purchase specific items in advance, so it’s good to budget what you need. If you’re going to be a cooking channel, you will want to plan out what you’re going to make. You’ll need to have your ingredients ready and a kitchen that you can film in. You need to also decide how often you’re going to upload and create a creative calendar that will schedule your filming and upload days, leaving time between to edit. Be realistic when planning your videos. You are likely starting out on a low budget.
Have a Social Media Presence
It’s unlikely that you, as an unknown, new YouTuber, will get organic views right away. So, you will need to put in the work to promote your channel. Having social media accounts will help, as you can share and plug your videos when they’re released. Be prepared for your views to be low at first, but you might gradually build a small following as long as your content is good and you’re being consistent.
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