Category «Hardware»

How to find the right driver

Many times you have a system that you just can’t find the driver for.  Especially if it’s an older computer with no tag number to easily find the driver on the manufacturers website.  Even if you found the right website and web page, some drivers say unknown and it’s hard to know what you have …

Samsung stricks back! Take that Apple!

I was right!  I predicted it in my article after Apple sued Samsung for copyright  infringement and won.  Apple doesn’t manufacture all the parts that go into the Apple iPhone!  They outsource to suppliers for the various parts.  Some things they may make themselves including the operating system, but otherwise they need to rely on …

Apple is the new Microsoft

I can’t believe it!  Apple won the case against Samsung for copyright infringement and is awarded over $1 Billion!  There’s a lot of opinions and comments on the news articles online but if you read them it’s interesting.  A Lot of people are clueless and blindly say “yay for Apple, they’re better”.  But then you …

Solution: Laptop powers on but nothing on screen

Here’s a quick fix for many makes and models of laptops that have problems turning on.  When you hit the power button, you may see lights for the power button, etc but nothing appears on the screen.  Not even an error message.  You can see the hard drive light blinking and maybe hear the hard drive …

Cold boot versus Warm boot

After hearing enough times about how rebooting fixes a lot, what is the difference between cold booting and warm booting?  I’ll explain the answer here. The short answer is, cold boot means turn the computer off then on.  Warm boot means to reboot the computer without shutting all the way down.  The idea is that when you …

Hard drive warranties are being reduced

Both of Western Digital and Seagate internal HDD will be changing their warranty policies on the new year of 2012. Western Digital – Effective date on January 2nd, 2012. Desktop and Mobile (Blue and Green family lines) change from 3 years to 2 years. Black product line will remain at 5 years warranty. Enterprise class …

WiFi health concerns in school – view from a technology expert

As a computer technology expert, author, regular guest speaker on CKWR radio as well as a speaker on Breakfast Television and Rogers Daytime, I write my professional opinion on this issue. From a recent article in York Region’s paper parents are pulling their kids out of school due to health concerns around the wireless network access (WiFi) …

Apple Vs. Windows, who needs repairs more often?

Apple vs. Windows.  There’s obviously more computer repair shops for Micrsoft Windows than there are for Apple computers.  But Microsoft also has more market share too.  So you can’t compare directly like this who has repairs more often.  You need to break it down by market share, do a little math and figure it out.  …