Category «Hardware»

What is the maximum supported RAM in Windows 7?

I’ve seen this question asked alot around the net with not many good answers and alot of guesses based on past Windows editions.  Here’s the answer straight from Microsoft.  I have the direct link to Microsoft’s website below, but incase it doesn’t work and to make things easier, here’s the breakdown for each edition of …

Local computer expert on Breakfast Television

Here’s the video of when I was on Breakfast Television Tuesday July 13th. Lots of planning for 5 minutes of fame! Hoepfully leads to more customers and more television appearances. Can you believe it takes more time to plan for a shorter presentation that it does for a long one? We had to be short, …

Shred your hard drive – Digitally

If you want to give away or sell your old computer and want to protect your data on the hard drive that you had before, formatting the hard drive and installing Windows again from scratch is not enough! That’s right, even after formatting the hard drive, someone can run some basic data recovery software on …

Hard drives in copiers and scanners?

Identity theft alert! Photo copiers, printers, scanners have hard drives in them just like a computer. Every document you print, scan, or fax, could be stored on a hard drive inside your copier. When you decide to get rid of it, there could be a hard drive in there with all your information for someone …

PCL vs. Host based printer

What’s the difference between a host based printer and a PCL printer? PCL is an acroynm for Printer Command Language. You can see a lot of detail on PCL history going back as far as 1984 on Wikipedia website. These printers have their own processor and can printer faster among other things. Host based printers …