Tag «YouTube»

10 Interesting Things About Google


Last Blog, we told you 10 interesting facts about Microsoft, this time we’re doing the same for Google. Google is something you likely use on a daily basis – whether it’s for search, email or watching your favourite online videos. If you thought you knew a lot about this company, think again. Here are 10 …

YouTube Video Roundup


Looking for a tech related video? TwinBytes has a YouTube channel where we upload weekly tech related videos.  Maybe one of our videos will help you solve a computer problem you’re having at home. Here are five of our latest videos to get you started! Choose a video that speaks to you! How to test …

How to Start a YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel

In a previous blog we wrote about what equipment you will need to start a YouTube channel. In this post, we will talk about the other factors that go into creating your channel – beyond the hardware. A lot of hard work and creativity goes into running a YouTube channel. If you want to build …

Catch Up on TwinBytes Content


After months of isolating and burning through tons of content online, there still might be stuff you’ve missed out. Lots of people are taking this free time to learn new skills. If you want to enjoy some air conditioning during this heat wave (if you have it), maybe go online to learn more about your …