Delete old Linked In Contacts

It’s easy to unfriend someone on Facebook or unlike a page on Facebook since you just go to that page and click the Like button or Friend button again to unfriend or unlike them.  But with business contacts in Linked In, although it’s not complicated it’s not as easy to find so I’ll show you here.


Why would you want to remove contacts when people are trying to build a bigger list?  You have done business with someone you had a horrible experience with and it ended badly and you no longer wish to be in contact with them or associated with them in any way.  With Linked in, people see who your contacts are and assume you know them and are in a healthy relationship.  So if this is not true, you might want to remove them from your list of contacts.

  1. To do this in Linked in, just click on “Network” on the top menu, and select “Contacts”.
  2. On the next screen you are taken to, click on “Remove connections” in the top right corner.
  3. Now you’re on yet another screen.  Click the letter on the left corresponding to the last name of the person you wish to remove.  You should see them in your list, although if you have a lot of people with that same letter in their last name, you will have to scroll down a bit.
  4. Click to put a check mark beside there name.
  5. Click the “Remove Connections” button on the right side of that box.
  6. You get the following prompt ”

    Are you sure you want to remove these connections? This action cannot be undone.

    You are about to break the following connections: *******”

  7.  Click “Yes, remove them”.
  8. You’re now on another screen with the message at the top saying “1 of your connection(s) have been removed.”
  9. Repeat the process if you want to do another, although you can do more than one at a time if you just keep clicking on the various people you want to remove and them remove all in one shot.

*Note: Do not click on their name to view their profile before you delete them!  They will be notified you clicked on them to view their profile.  Just quietly follow my steps above and move on.  They may send you another invite to connect or ask why you are no longer connected, just ignore them.

Now you should feel a weight  lifted off you and feeling better so you can move on in your life and business.  The negativity is gone and you can focus on prosperity and wellness!  🙂
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