Product Photo Tips for Small Businesses

If hiring a professional photographer isn’t in your budget, use these photo tips to make your small business shine. Take your own photos to save time and money, and you don’t even need to own a fancy camera – you can use your smartphone.

Whether you’re setting up an online store or selling items from a shop, you will need nice photos for your website and social media sites. Good visuals are important, because they tell potential customers a lot about your brand.

Photo tips for your small business

Use natural light

When possible, turn off your flash and use natural light when taking your product photos. Make sure that the light source is not just coming from behind, as that will backlight your photo. If you need to supplement the light, use warm light from the front to illuminate the product.

Use a solid or neutral background

When taking product photos, it’s important that you use a plain background. Use a sheet of white or black poster board, cloth or paper. You can use patterns and colours if it matches your brand and doesn’t distract from the object your highlighting.

Style the object

If you’re selling home goods or fashion, be sure to take photos that showcase how the item can be styled. For example, a candle can be styled on a table next to a mug of tea, positioned near some aesthetically pleasing books. Clothing should be modelled on a person, styled to show how the garments can be worn.

Shoot multiple angles

Another photo tip is to take a variety of photos of the same object. Take some up-close shots and shots from different angles to ensure you’re showcasing the whole item.  Make sure the object is in focus and your fingers are not seen in the frame.

Edit your photos

Use free editing software to correct the lighting and crop your images. Don’t over edit the photos, as you want them to look as natural as possible. You can use an app on your phone or software on your computer.

The bottom line is, it’s not hard to get quality photos for your website. Just use these tips and you’ll be on your way to defining your business brand through stunning visuals.

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